Occultation of UCAC4-583-017020 by 203 Pompeja on 2020 Sep 10 Distance from center of occultation path - in km Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path Uncertainty in time = +/- 2 secs d Proba- Location Longitude Latitude alt U.T. Sepn Alt Sun km bility o ' o ' m h m s " o o 150 - 0% ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma ** 127 - 2% ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma ** 105 - 16% ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma ** 93 S 31% Rockhampton, QLD 150 35. -23 25. 20 19 3 10 -0.037 38 -14 92 S 33% Stephen Kerr 150 35. -23 25. 10 19 3 10 -0.037 38 -14 82 - 50% *** Path limit *** 0 - 100% **** Centre Line **** -82 - 50% *** Path limit *** -105 - 16% ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma ** -127 - 2% ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma ** -150 - 0% ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma ** Prediction of 2020 Aug 15.8